인생 2막 인도네시아/사무실에서

동서PCC와 사트마린도 그룹의 MOU 체결

인해촌장 엄재석 2018. 2. 23. 12:31

인도네시아의 프리캐스트 콘크리트 분야에서

공장건설을 추진하는 사트마린도 그룹과'

한국의 전문업체인 동서PCC의 양해각서 체결있었다.

참석자들 우측이 정장원 대표

중앙에 바틱입은 분이 수리요 회장

회의는 진행되고

드디어 MOU의 체결이

사인을 하고

각서를 교환하며

참석자들 모두가

회장님의 72회 생일 기념으로

칼라 골프볼을 증정한다

이어 지는 기념 만찬

성과 도출을 기념하며 건배

악단까지 와서 공연을 하네

이 인니 그룹과 한국 업체의 만남이

커다란 성과를 도출하게 되길 바랍니다.

Memorandum of Understanding

Satmarindo Group of Indonesia and Dongsu PCC Co.,Ltd of Korea are willing to cooperate with

each other for the business of Precast Concrete factory in Indonesia with faith and sincerity as followed.

The 1st Article (Purpose)

The memorandum of understanding is for the purpose of having cooperative relations for the construction and operation of Precast Concrete factory through strategic business alliance between both parties.

 The 2nd Article (Mutual faith)

Both parties cooperate to consider the convenience of the other party with first priority for orders and accomplishment in the business.

 The 3rd Article (Roles)

1. Satmarindo Group as leading party of this project will be able to take recommendations in the processing of project from Dongsu as strategic partner.

2. Dongsu PCC Co,Ltd takes advantage of the advanced technology in the field of PC and work performances in Korea. Dongsu can suggest any proposals in the stages of designing, construction, operation of factory and marketing for the success of PC business in Indonesia.

 The 4th Article (Others)

1. Both parties sincerely execute the contends of the understanding memorandum according to faith and sincerity.

2. All facts that find from both companies for joint discussion process will not be able to expose outside without any prior consultation and all responsibilities that occur concerning a violation are charged on a violator.

3. The separated and detailed contract will be drawn up and come to an agreement concerning business conditions and processing methods in near future.

4. Facts that are not referred in the understanding memorandum will be decided by both parties for separated way. 

5. The understanding memorandum is available for a year as long as it is not revised under agreement of both parties.

 Both companies make every effort for the successful propulsion and an accomplishment of the enterprise, in order to identify that the understanding memorandum is formed, both companies need to draw up 2 copies of the form and seal registration, keep one copy each.

 Feb, 14th, 2018


Satmarindo Group                                Dongsu PCC Co.,Ltd

Chairman: Bp Suryo Bambang Sulisto              President: Mr, Chung Jang Won


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