인생 2막 인도네시아/사무실에서

양해각서 사본

인해촌장 엄재석 2018. 8. 30. 15:00




1. 공사명 : 인도네시아 Cikampek-Palimanan Toll Road Project


2. 기간 : 2013 01 01 ~ 2014 08 31 (20개월)

3. 과업 내용 : 도로공사 수행에 관한 건


위 건설 사업에 대한 관하여 일양건설 대표이사 (이하 이라 함.)(이하 이라 함.)은 아래와 같이 계약 일반조건에 따라 양해각서 체결하고, 2부 작성하여 이 서명 날인하고 각각 1부씩 보관한다.



2013 1 2`1





주 소 :




상 호 :



대 표 :



전 화 :







주 소 :



성 명 :



생년월일 :



전 화 :




1 (총 칙)

의 소개로 이 수주, 계약한 인도네시아 Cikampek-Palimanan Toll Road Project의 성공적인 수행을 위하여 은 상호 신뢰와 협의 하에 공사를 수행하여야 한다.


2 (갑의 역할)

1) 갑의 본 사업의 계약자로서 사업 수행의 최종적인 책임을 지며 본 사업에 소요되는 자본의 조달과 장비 반입을 위한 임무를 진다.

2) 갑은 본 사업의 수주에 있어서 을의 역할을 인식하고 현장 소장(Project Manager)으로서 을의 기술적인 판단과 결정에 자율성을 인정한다.

3) 사업 수행을 위한 모든 경비는 투명하게 지출되어야 하며 모든 경비는 전표로 작성하여 을의 동의와 갑의 결재를 득한 후에 지출한다.


3 (을의 역할)

1) “은 현장 소장으로 현장 수행에 필요한 일체의 기술지원을 하여야 하며 필요한 인력을 모집하고 발주처에 소장으로 임무를 수행하여야 한다. (단 갑과 을의 합의에 의하여 현장 소장은 제3자로 선임도 가능하다)

2) “은 현장의 전반 업무에 대하여 의 정당한 요구가 있을시 이를 반영하여야 하며, 만약 의도적으로 불이행시는 양해각서 불이행으로 간주한다.

3) “은 위 현장 소장으로 공정관리 및 원가 절감에 의무를 다하고, “의 요구조건을 상호 협의하여 최대한 지원한다.

4) 사업의 수행을 위한 실행예산을 작성하고 공사 진행에 따라 실행의 변경을 변경한다.

5)“은 현장 일체 관리에 최선을 다하고, 실행예산의 공사비가 초과 되지 않도록 하며. 예산 초과 발생할 경우 그 사유가 불합리 하다고 판단할 될경우 은 이에 대하여 책임 과 의무를 갖는다,


4 (을의 임금)

을이 현장에 상주하여 현장 소장으로 근무할 경우, 월 급여는 원으로 하며 익월 5일로 지급 일자로 하며, 구체적인 내용은 근로계약서로 대체 한다.


5(이익금의 배분)

본 공사에서 발생되는 총 이익금의 ( 10 %)는  일반적인 국내건설회사의 해외공사 원가관리지침에 의거하여 정산한다. 이익지분은 공종이 50% 이상 진행시부터 지급되어야 하며 공사 완공 후에 최종 정산한다.


6(사업의 계속성)

갑과 을은 본 사업이외에도 해외공사를 수주하기 위하여 정보를 공유하며 영업활동을 추진관계를 지속한다.

7(각서의 파기)

어느 일방의 독단적인 행위로 사업진행에 지장을 초래한다고 판단되면 상호 합의하에 본 양해각서를 파기한다.



본 계약서에 명기되지 아니한 사항 및 본 양해각서의 해석상 이의가 있을 때는 일반관례 및 쌍방합의에 의하여 결정한다. -이상-

Agreement of Joint Operation



This agreement is made and entered into effective on this Jan, 20, 2017 by and between:


Part “A”




Part “B”

PT. ACE Engineering & Construction, a corporation duly organized and existing under the Laws of the Republic Of Indonesia with its address at Komplek Wijaya Grand Centre Blok E-11, Jl. Darmawangsa Raya, Jakarta 12160, Indonesia (hereinafter referred as “ACE”)




Both parties desire to jointly participate in work for  “OOO” Project (hereinafter referred as “Project”) to be constructed by “OOO” (hereinafter referred as “Client”) based on a Consortium-Arrangement.


Article-1: Collaboration


1.1 Both parties agree to jointly prepare the proposal for the Project and thereafter, to enter into the Contract to jointly and severally execute and complete the works.


1.2 This Agreement shall in no way restrict any party from engaging in any activities which

are not connected with the Project.


Article-2: Roll of Part “A”


2.1 Part “A” as main partner shall timely prepare and submit their technical/commercial documents to the Client which covers their respective scope of work for the Project.


2.2 Part “A” shall be responsible for combine the consortium which are to apply to their respective scope of work for example funding, contracting, engineering in whole contract and procurement of mechanical and electric portion etc.


Article-3: Roll of Part “B”


3.1 Part “B” as local partner shall be responsible for collecting the information in regarding said project and hand over to Part “A”


3.2 By the time of execution, Part “B” shall timely prepare manpower, material and equipment for the success execution of civil and architecture portion.


Article-4: Execution of the works


4-1 Each party shall provide sufficient number of suitable qualified personnel, all such materials or equipment and facilities as may be necessary for proper completion of scope of work.

4.2. Each party shall adhere to any timetable agreed to by the parties for the completion of its

scope of works and shall cooperate with the other member to avoid any possible delays till the

completion of works.


Article-5: Responsibility and Liability


5.1 Both parties shall be jointly and severally liable to the Client for the performance of the

Contract and of the work, while the parties shall divide the work into the scope of work to be

performed by each party, and they shall each bear the several responsibilities and liabilities

respectively imposed by this agreement.


5.2 If any part of works performed by a member within its scope of work shall be on

defective and required to be modified, repaired, dismantled or replaced in order to comply

with the terms and conditions of the Contract, that party shall be responsible for and bear the

cost of modification, repair, dismantling, or replacement as may be required to make good the

same within its scope of work.


Article-6: Receipt and Distribution of Payments.


6.1 All payments received from the Client shell be deposited in bank account with a bank in Indonesia opened in the name of the leader. The leader shall promptly distribute monies to the other party to whom the monies are then due and payable.


Article-7: Bonds and Bank Guarantees.


7.1 If any Bonds and Bank-guarantee are required by the terms of the Contract, both parties are to discuss and arrange such Bonds or Bank-guarantee in full amount.


7.2 The parties share the premium and other cost in proportion to their respective portion of the Contract-price.


Artiele-8: Insurance


8.1 The parties agree that insurance policies shall be provided and maintained as required by

the terms of the Contract. In addition to the Client and its designates to be named as the

insureds, each party to this agreement shall also be named as the insureds under the said-insurance-policies.


8.2 The cost of insurance-premiums shall be borne and paid by the party who will be

responsible for insurance as per scope of work. If any insurance are required to be provided

by both parties, the premium shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their respective

portion of the Contract-price.


Article-9: Disputes and Arbitration.


9.1 All matters not specifically provided for in this agreement which relate to the Project and

require decision shall be discussed by the parties in good faith and settled by agreement between them.


9.2 If a dispute arises between any parties, each party shall continue the performance of its

obligations under this agreement and the Contract, and shall avoid any action which might

hinder the proper performance of the other party's obligation to the Client.


9.3 Any disputes controversies on claims out of this agreement or the dispute which may

arises between the parties shall be finally submitted to and settled in the court in compliance

with the Law and Regulation in Indonesia.


Article-10: Termination


11.1 This agreement shall be effective as from the date hereof and except as otherwise

provided herein shall continue to be effective until each Member has completed and settled

its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement and under the Contract.


11.2 If any Member commits an act of bankruptcy or otherwise rendered unable to meet its

financial obligations, or has committed a material breach of the terms of this Agreement or of

the Contract, the other Member shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and proceed

to complete defaulting party's Scope of Work taking the full responsibility and lights for the

entire Scope of Work under the Contract.


Article-11: Governing Law


This Agreement shall in all respects be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws

of Indonesia.



For and on behalf of                         For and on behalf of

Part “A”                                  Part “B”